Rust Closures Under the Hood: Comparing impl Fn and Box<dyn Fn>


In this article, we will delve into the inner workings of Rust closures by comparing the assembly code generated for closures returned as impl Fn versus Box<dyn Fn>. We will examine how captured variables are stored on the stack and the heap and how dynamic dispatch is implemented for Box<dyn Fn> closures. It is recommended to read the article "Rust to Assembly: Static vs Dynamic Dispatch" before diving into this one to get a better understanding of vtables.

Rust closures

In the Rust programming language, closures are anonymous functions that can capture variables from the scope where they are defined. Closures can be passed as arguments to functions, returned as values from functions, and assigned to variables. Closures can be called multiple times or can be called only once. Closures can be borrowed immutably, borrowed mutably, or can take ownership of captured variables. Closures can be implemented using the Fn, FnMut, and FnOnce traits.

Rust closure traits

In the Rust programming language, Fn, FnMut, and FnOnce are traits that define different behaviors for closures and other types of function objects.

The following diagram shows that FnOnce is a supertrait of FnMut and FnMut is a supertrait of Fn. If a closure implements Fn, it also implements FnMut and FnOnce as call_mut and call_once are implemented in terms of call.

Fn FnMute and FnOnce relation

Now, look at the assembly code generated for closures returned as impl Fn versus Box<dyn Fn>.

Return an impl Fn from a function

The following example defines function make_quadratic as taking three f64 parameters: a, b, and c. It returns a closure that implements the Fn(f64) -> f64 trait. The closure captures the variables a, b, and c from the surrounding scope and implements the logic of a quadratic equation with input x by calculating a*x*x + b*x + c and returning the result.

pub fn make_quadratic(a: f64, b: f64, c: f64) -> impl Fn(f64) -> f64 {
    move |x| a*x*x + b*x + c

Note that move keyword before the returned closure signals to the compiler that a, b, and c should be moved into the closure environment. If we don't use the move keyword, the closure will immutably borrow the variables a, b, and c. Borrowing the variables a, b, and c immutably is impossible because the closure is returned from the function and will be dropped when the function returns.

Assembly code for make_quadratic

The generated assembly for the function make_quadratic is shown below. This example demonstrates how the function prepares the closure environment that captures the variables a, b, and c. The memory layout of the closure environment is shown in the diagram below (the byte offsets are shown on the left). The closure environment is stored on the stack and returned in the rax register. Note that only the environment needs to be returned.

Impl fn

; Input parameters:
;   xmm0: a
;   xmm1: b
;   xmm2: c
;   rdi: Address where the closure should be stored
; Output parameters:
;   rax:  Address of the closure
        mov     rax, rdi                        ; rax = Address of the closure
        movsd   qword ptr [rdi], xmm0           ; closure.a = a
        movsd   qword ptr [rdi + 8], xmm1       ; closure.b = b
        movsd   qword ptr [rdi + 16], xmm2      ; closure.c = c
        ret                                     ; Return the address of the closure in rax

Calling the closure

The following example calls the closure returned by make_quadratic.

pub fn call_make_quadratic(x: f64) -> f64 {
    let quad_fn = make_quadratic(5.0, 4.0, 3.0);

Assembly code for call_make_quadratic

The generated assembly for the function call_make_quadratic is shown below. We don't see the closure being called as the compiler has inlined the closure.

; Input parameters:
;   xmm0: x
; Output parameter:
;   xmm0: Result of the quadratic function
        movsd   xmm1, qword ptr [rip + .LCPI1_0] ; xmm1 = 5.0
        mulsd   xmm1, xmm0 ; xmm1 = 5.0 * x
        mulsd   xmm1, xmm0 ; xmm1 = 5.0 * x * x
        mulsd   xmm0, qword ptr [rip + .LCPI1_1] ; xmm0 = 4.0 * x
        addsd   xmm0, xmm1 ; xmm0 = 5.0 * x * x + 4.0 * x
        addsd   xmm0, qword ptr [rip + .LCPI1_2] ; xmm0 = 5.0 * x * x + 4.0 * x + 3.0
        ret ; Return the result in xmm0

        .quad   0x4014000000000000 ; 5.0_f64
        .quad   0x4010000000000000 ; 4.0_f64
        .quad   0x4008000000000000 ; 3.0_f64

Return a Box<dyn Fn> from a function

Now let's look at an example where the closure is returned as a Box<dyn Fn>. In this case, the closure is allocated on the heap and a Box is returned.

The following example defines function make_quadratic_box that takes three f64 parameters, a, b, and c. The function returns a Box<dyn Fn(f64) -> f64> that implements the logic of a quadratic equation with input x by calculating a*x*x + b*x + c and returning the result.

pub fn make_quadratic_box(a: f64, b: f64, c: f64) -> Box<dyn Fn(f64) -> f64> {
    Box::new(make_quadratic(a, b, c))

Assembly code for make_quadratic_box

Now, let's examine the assembly code generated for the function make_quadratic_box. Before we do so, we will examine the memory layout of the closure environment.

Memory layout of the Box<dyn Fn> closure

Box<dyn Fn> is a fat pointer that is a tuple of the closure environment and the vtable pointer for the type. The closure environment contains the captured variables a, b, and c. The vtable pointer is a pointer to the vtable for the trait Fn(f64) -> f64. The vtable contains the function pointers for the trait methods. In this case, the vtable contains the function pointer for the method call defined by the Fn trait. The vtable also contains the call_mut and call_once function pointers. In this case, the call_mut and call_once function pointers are essentially the same as the call function pointer.

The vtable also contains the destructor function pointer. The destructor function is called when the Box is dropped. The vtable also saves the size and alignment of the closure environment. The size and alignment are used when the Box is dropped.

The diagram below shows the memory layout of the closure environment and the vtable pointer. The fat pointer that the function make_quadratic_box will be returned is highlighted in green. The figure also includes the byte offsets for the memory layout.

Box dyn Fn

Assembly code

The closure environment is stored on the stack and is copied to the heap by calling the function __rust_alloc. The address of the closure environment on the heap is returned in the rax register. The register rdx contains the vtable pointer for the type. The tuple (rax, rdx) is being used to return the Box<dyn Fn>.

; Input parameters:
;   xmm0: a
;   xmm1: b
;   xmm2: c
; Output parameter:
;   rax:  Address of the closure environment.
;   rdx:  Vtable pointer for the trait Fn(f64) -> f64
        sub     rsp, 24                         ; Allocate space for the closure
        movsd   qword ptr [rsp + 16], xmm2      ; closure.c = c
        movsd   qword ptr [rsp + 8], xmm1       ; closure.b = b
        movsd   qword ptr [rsp], xmm0           ; closure.a = a
        mov     edi, 24                         ; Size of the closure
        mov     esi, 8                          ; Alignment of the closure
        ; 📦 Allocate space for the closure (the result is returned in rax).
        call    qword ptr [rip + __rust_alloc@GOTPCREL]
        test    rax, rax                        ; Check if allocation was successful
        je      .LBB4_1                         ; If not, call the error handler.
        movsd   xmm0, qword ptr [rsp]           ; xmm0 = closure.a
        movsd   qword ptr [rax], xmm0           ; closure.a = a
        movsd   xmm0, qword ptr [rsp + 8]       ; xmm0 = closure.b
        movsd   qword ptr [rax + 8], xmm0       ; closure.b = b
        movsd   xmm0, qword ptr [rsp + 16]      ; xmm0 = closure.c
        movsd   qword ptr [rax + 16], xmm0      ; closure.c = c
        lea     rdx, [rip + .L__unnamed_1]      ; Address of the vtable
        add     rsp, 24                         ; Deallocate space for the closure.
        ; Return the address of the closure in rax and the vtable in rdx.
        ; ❌ Memory allocation has failed. Call the error handler.
        mov     edi, 24                        ; Size of the closure.
        mov     esi, 8                         ; Alignment of the closure.
        ; 💀 Call the error handler.
        call    qword ptr [rip + alloc::alloc::handle_alloc_error@GOTPCREL]
        ; 💀 Throw an invalid instruction exception.

Vtable for returned Box<dyn Fn>

We have already seen the memory layout of a vtable. The vtable for the returned Box<dyn Fn> is shown below.

        .quad   core::ptr::drop_in_place<example::make_quadratic::{{closure}}> ; Call when dropping a closure environment.
        .asciz  "\030\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\b\000\000\000\000\000\000" ; Size of the closure is 24 bytes and alignment is 8 bytes.
        .quad   core::ops::function::FnOnce::call_once{{vtable.shim}} ; Call function for FnOnce.
        .quad   example::make_quadratic::{{closure}} ; Call function for FnMut.
        .quad   example::make_quadratic::{{closure}} ; Call function for Fn.

Destructor for the closure

The closure's destructor is called when the Box is dropped. In this case, the destructor is a no-op.


call method for the closure

The call method for the closure is called when the closure is invoked. The vtable for the closure maps the call and call_mut methods to the function make_quadratic::{{closure}}.

; Input parameters:
;   rdi: Pointer to the closure
;   xmm0: x
; Output parameter:
;   xmm0: Result of the quadratic function
        movupd  xmm1, xmmword ptr [rdi]         ; xmm1 = closure.a, closure.b
        movapd  xmm2, xmm0                      ; xmm2 = x
        unpcklpd        xmm2, xmm0              ; xmm2 = x, x
        mulpd   xmm2, xmm1                      ; xmm2 = closure.a * x, closure.b * x
        mulsd   xmm0, xmm2                      ; xmm0 = closure.a * x * x
        unpckhpd        xmm2, xmm2              ; xmm2 = closure.b * x, closure.b * x
        addsd   xmm0, xmm2                      ; xmm0 = closure.a * x * x + closure.b * x
        addsd   xmm0, qword ptr [rdi + 16]      ; xmm0 = closure.a * x * x + closure.b * x + closure.c
        ret                                     ; Return the result in xmm0

call_once shim for the closure

The compiler also generates a shim for the call_once method. The compiler generates the shim because the call_once method is part of the FnOnce trait. The generated code is identical to the call method for the closure, but the compiler generates another copy.

Key Takeaways

Experiment with the Compiler Explorer

Use the Compiler Explorer to experiment with the code in this article.

Add the following code in the editor window and examine the generated assembly code. You will see that the compiler just returns from make_quadratic_no_capture.

pub fn make_quadratic_no_capture() -> impl Fn(f64) -> f64 {
    |x| 42.0*x*x + 84.0*x + 0.0

The make_quadratic_box_no_capture function returns the fat pointer in eax and edx. The eax register contains the address of the closure environment, and the edx register contains the address of the vtable. In this case, no closure environment needs to be saved to eax just contains 1.

pub fn make_quadratic_box_no_capture() -> Box<dyn Fn(f64) -> f64> {